Your opinion of me is none of my business

To the idiot who keeps telling me about how he thinks women are supposed to look, behave or think allow me to make something overwhelmingly clear: I never asked you to define me. Quite frankly I already have a man but based on how loosely you seem to think my self esteem is tied up with what I look like allow me to tell you the following: I knew what Body shaming felt like even before the phrase was coined. In case you forgot I was born missing a limb. This may come as a huge shock to you but I don’t find you attractive either and if I ever had it  would have ended the moment you opened your mouth and launched into a tirade shaming me for not living up to your beauty standards.

No doubt if I told you what my definition of a ” real man” was you would accuse me of ” sexism”. Yet sexism isn’t about proclaiming that a grown man should have enough common sense to realize that women are people.

As people we are not defined by our weight height or bust size. If I told you that you looked like a deranged madman who might at any moment decide to chop me up into little bits and then feed me to your dogs every time I encountered the discomfort of being in your presence you would no doubt think that I was insane.

In any case that is precisely how you sound to me when you ” critique” my femininity or lack of same. To quote Travis Tritt ” Here’s a quarter call someone who cares”.

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